Ghous ul Moazzam Pir Nazir Ahmad was born in 1880. At the time, there was no proper Muslim school in the country and people did not want to send their children in British schools, because they thought that is against Islam. Ghous ul Moazzam took his education from high standard teachers at home. Ghous ul Moazzam also took professional training of horse riding and sword fighting in early age.

In the year 1891 Hazrat Khwaja Nizamuddin asked Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Qasim to bring his eldest son along with him the next time, so Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Qasim took Pir Nazir Ahmad to Kayyan Sharif in 1892. At that time he was only 12 years old, he was also given khilafat by the Murshid e Azam in the same year.
Hazoor Baba Jee appointed Ghous ul Moazzam his Sajjada in 1925 and Hazoor Baba Jee died in 1943.
Hazoor also maintained a Riasat with Yaghistan and prepared military force and different departments for state function in 1930 to 1935. He abandoned all this after having a vivid dream, that he residing in great Palace built on top of a mosque, which led him to feel that spirituality is better than ruling over a state.