Mohra Sharif (Mohra mean small village) is a spiritual center followed by millions of men and women from all over the world. It is based in Murree hills approachable via Kuldana through Pir Haroon ur Rashid Road. It is a spiritual center for spiritual education of Nisbat e Rasooli. It was initiated by Ghous ul umat Hazrat Pir Khawaja Muhammad Qasim (Baba Ji) in 1870. Hazoor Baba Ji Handed over this center in 1925 to his son Hazoor Ghous ul Moazzam Rahbare Azam Tareeqat Nisbate Rasooli Al Hajj Pir Nazir Ahmad Al Maroof Sarkar Mhoravi. Then on depart of Hazoor Ghous ul Moazzam in 1960 Ala Hazart Ghouse Zaman Qutbe Doran Sher Shah Ghazi Qayyume Waqat Naibe Rasool Al Haj Pir Haroon ur Rashid was appointed Sajjada Nasheen till 2022.
Pir Haroon ur Rashid has two sons Hazoor Pir Dr Ghoar Nazir And Hazoor Pir Shahzada Jamal Nazir and a nephew Hazoor Pir Yousaf Saeed who is looking after all types of arrangements of Langar, Construction and every thing in Mohra Sharif.
Current Sajjada Nasheen of Darbar Alia Mohra Sharif is Hazoor Ghaus e Zaman Qutab ul Irshad Manba e Jood o Irfan Pir e Tareeqat Nisbat e Rasooli Rahbare Shariat Al Haj Pir Dr Ghulam Muhmad Gohar Nazir, since 2022, guiding and providing practical religious education in the true spirit of Islam and Sunnah to the people coming from all over the world. People from every walk of life and every school of thought and religious beliefs come to get "Faiz" and enlightenment.
Mohra SHarif Darbar is open for public on daily bases at 11am in the morning and then after Zohar prayer. Pir Gohar Nazir meets and everyone and then there is a short mehfil of Aurad e Naziria (after Zuhr) and then Dua.
Location of Mohra Sharif
About 60 km from Islamabad, the capital city of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is the lush green and pine covered hill station of "Murree". It is about an hour's drive from the twin cities of Rawalpindi/Islamabad to reach this beautiful and outstanding city of Murree via express way. The city of Murree is not only famous because of its natural scenic beauty and pleasant climate but also because of the well known spiritual valley of " Mohra Sharif "known as "Darbar Alia Mohra Sharif".
Mohra Sharif is about 10 km from the city center of Murree. There are two roads leading directly to Darbar Alia Mohra Sharif, one from Kuldana (6.5 km) and the other from Kashmiri bazar (4 km). Both these roads are named "Alhaj Pir Haroon ur Rashid Road"
Holy Places in Mohra Sharif

Holly shrines of Pir Khwaja Muhammad Qasim, Pir Nazir Ahmad and Pir Haroon ur Rashid are situated right in the heart of Mohra Sharif. A great number of devotees from the four corners of the world visit the Mazaarat e Mubarak daily to pay their respects. Just close to these holly shrines are the Mazaarat of Mai sahiban.
Close to the Mazaar of Hazrat Alhaj Pir Nazir Ahmed sarkar e Moharvi is the Markazi Jamia Masjid of Mohra Sharif, this great mosque is indeed an architectural beauty.
Adjacent to the mosque is Darbar Sharif where daily Pir Gohar Nazir Sajjada Nashin Darbar Alia Mohra Sharif meets his followers and pilgrims visiting the Darbar from all over the world.
Near to the Mazaar of Pir Khwaja Muhammad Qasim is a free hospital "Qasimia Naziria Shifakhana" with all diagnostic and treatment facilities. Hundreds of people benefit from these health services daily.
Urs Mubarak and Important occasions
- Urs Mubarak of Hazrat Alhaj Pir Nazir Ahmed Sarkar Moharvi and Hazrat Alhaj Pir Haroon Ur Rashid is held annually in June.
- Urs Mubarak of Hazrat khuwaja Muhammad Qasim is held annually in Nov.
- Du'a Khatam e Quran of Hazrat Alhaj Pir Nazir Ahmad is held annually 22-23 July.
- Du'a Khatam e Quran of Hazrat Alhaj Pir Haroon Ur Rashid is held annually at 27-28 Feburary.
- Du'a Khatam e Quran of Hazrat Mai Sahiban is held annually at 16-17 January.
- Mehfal e Aurad e Naziria every Friday after Namaz e Juma.
- Mehfal e Aurad e Naziria every Saturday (except Ramzan) at Darbar Sharif Islamabad F6/4.